Nobody likes being the new guy but new can actually be good!
New clothes…good.
New car…good.
New home…good.
New church…maybe.

The right church can be a great place to meet new people, invest in your community and make a difference in the world. It can be a great place to explore issues of faith and find encouragement and purpose for doing life. And did we say, church can actually be fun and engaging?
Metro City Church was started for people who aren’t really into church but are looking for something different in life or dare we say, more out of life. We encourage you to take a look around our cyber home before you come visit us. Of course we’d love for you to join us at one of our campuses but metrocitychurch.tv is a great way to get to know us.
You can watch some of our Weekend Messages here. You can see what we offer for kids, teens, and young adults. Also, you can see how you can get involved through Life Groups and Serving Teams. There’s a lot here so take some time to explore and if you have any questions feel free to contact our office.
We know visiting anywhere new can be a little intimidating, but visiting a church can be downright scary. You never know what those church people will be like. So we thought we'd give you a little walk through before you come.
When you visit Metro CITY Church you'll see that it's a ‘come as you are’ atmosphere. There’s no pretense. It’s about you being you! It’s about getting something more out of church than just the latest fashion tips. We want you to experience God while you’re here. That’s it. So come dressed in what you like unless you’re into public streaking. In that case we suggest clothing. The environment is friendly, casual and upbeat.
Most people wear jeans or khakis, even shorts during the summer! And we don’t care if you’re pierced, tattooed or G.Q. God looks at your heart -not your style and so do we. So come as you are.
And No Standing Ovations Please!
At Metro City Church, you won't have to stand up or raise your hand to be recognized. And we definitely will not make you wear a name-tag. We would never do anything to ‘put you on the spot.’ This is truly a safe place where you can find answers at your own pace. You don’t have to stand or sing or do anything you don’t want to do but be forewarned you’ll probably laugh or even cry and it’s our guess that you’ll be engaged by what you see, hear and feel.
And by the way, you won't be asked for your money either. In fact, we encourage guests to keep their money in their pockets so they can keep their hearts and minds on the experience.
Feel Free to Hang Out
After service feel free to ‘get out’ or ‘hang out.’ We’d love for you to stop by Baxter's for a bit to eat or just a coffee. Feel free to browse The Journey Store for Christian resources designed to help you take your Next Steps of faith. And definitely stop by the Connection Center to get to know us..…you may find that you like us. The Connection Center is our central hub for information on all things Metro. If you have questions about Metro, the Christian Faith or just want to know where the bathrooms are, the Connection Center is the place to ask.
The Sights
It won’t take you long to figure out this isn’t church as usual. From the moment you walk into our space you’ll realize that this place has a different feel. That’s on purpose. The idea is that we feel church ought to be a place where you would want to hang out. Kind of like a Starbucks or Panera Bread where you can enjoy good coffee, good food and good times. But even more than that we think it ought to be a place where you can easily invite your friends to church. That’s why we have Baxter’s Eatery and a book store and that’s why our Children’s areas are the way they are.
You won’t feel like you’ve walked into a time warp when you walk into Metro.
We believe that modern and sacred can coexist.
We want relevance to meet ancient Biblical truth.
The Sounds
It’s been said that music speaks to the heart, mind and soul and that the soul of a generation can be found in their music. One of the first comments we hear week after week is how the music at Metro connects with people. Metro has a unique approach to what you hear. Our time of worship through music combines heartfelt passion for Jesus with a sound, style and quality that will surprise you.
People sometimes say that going to Metro is like going to a concert. And we say, ‘what’s wrong with that?!’ Our full intent in using music that is modern in style and high in performance and production quality is so that we can experience God in a way that we can relate to our daily lives.
So when you come to Metro expect to hear music that you like. Expect it to be a bit louder than you’ve heard at church. Expect concert quality but mostly expect to see people engaged in authentic worship of God.
The Feel
When people come to Metro we want them to walk away feeling like they experienced God! We want people to feel that their Spiritual Journey was renewed and that their hearts and minds were challenged to take their Next Steps step with God. We want this to be a place where the whole family wants to be because they find love, acceptance and
encouragement here.
We embrace people where they are at and where they want to go.
We understand that the Christian Experience is a process not just a starting line/finish line sort of thing. So we encourage your questions. We applaud your search. We are all seekers here but at the same time we invite you to Christ. Unashamedly we follow God in the way of Jesus who is God’s Son. We invite you to follow Him with us.
We also say that full devotion to Jesus is normal for every believer. Metro wants to move all people toward living fully devoted lives to Jesus Christ. This is a process. So whether you’re brand new to church life or if you’ve been at this Christian life for a while now…we think Metro will help you grow!
This place is ALIVE because God is ALIVE and at work here.

“I just want to say thank you for helping me to find my faith again. I was part of a church but I was really starting to lose it, and was wondering where God went. Now I realize that God never went anywhere, I did. And now I have found my way back to him. And for that I could never thank Metro enough!”