As believers, Jesus calls each and every one of us to a Great Commission. Our charge? Go and REACH all the Earth with God’s message and his love. So that’s what we do. We go. We serve. We love. We REACH.
REACH is the name for all things Missions at Metro. REACH is about thinking outward. REACH is about living open handed and taking risks with your faith. About being HIS church to OUR world. There are ways for you to REACH right here at Metro, in our local community and around the world. Whether serving in our walls, in downtown Detroit, or spreading God’s love in the remote villages of Haiti, we desire to DO all we can, to REACH all we can. Locally. Globally. Eternally.
You can REACH our community right here at Metro in THREE different ways!
Some ministry opportunities are part of what we call: WORK ONE - WORSHIP ONE. The idea is simple. You come to church to be part of one of our Experiences and then you serve at another. WORK ONE - WORSHIP ONE. Most of these serving opportunities involve little or no prep. You can look at the different SERVING TEAMS and OPPORTUNITIES by CLICKING HERE. Then stop by The Connections Center or email the OFFICE and let us know how you would like to connect.
We have many opportunities to serve all week long around here. Most involve being on one of our Serving Teams like our Student Ministries Staff or our Clean Team. Other opportunities are more individualized and you can do them from home or on your own time.
You can't miss these when they come around. They involve everything from running one of our many American Red Cross Blood Drives to preparing for our massive outreach called TRUNK OR TREAT or our end-of-year outreach to the under-resourced called SEVEN FAMILIES FOR SEVEN DAYS.
These and other projects are generated right out of our church. You'll know when we are in the middle of one of these projects. The only question is whether or not you will get involved - to love God, love people and turn the world upside down!

"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation" - JESUS
Jesus said to go into ALL the world. We don't think that was a rhetorical statement. So we go. REACH: global (Metro's short term Global Missions) is a central part of who we are. Over the years we have reached out to, and been touched by, many peoples in many places.

REACH:local is our effort to make a difference in our own community. Metro has long been committed to partnering with local ministries and organizations that do great work in our community and region. We don’t think we need to reinvent the wheel - we think we should help keep some of the existing wheels spinning. While they do what they do best, we come alongside them and give them what they need most: PEOPLE! Volunteers from Metro give them a much needed boost.
We REACH in the name of Jesus.
We do a REACH:local project every month (sometimes a couple of times a month). Anyone can get involved. But EVERYONE IS ASKED TO SERVE outside the walls of our church at least ONCE A YEAR. You do NOT have to serve every month. Do what you can - but DO SOMETHING! Now’s the time to REACH!
REACH: local looks forward to serving with you! If you have any questions about REACH:local please e-mail office@metrocitychurch.tv.