Meet our staff! This is the team of people that lead the ministries throughout Metro. We believe in the power of the Gospel and are dedicated to reaching our community for the Kingdom.

Pastor Jeremy Schossau
Lead Pastor
"At one point, my hair was 2 ft long...and I loved it. I am a complete history nerd...and I listen to podcasts on x4 to be more productive."

Pastor Chris Shimanek
Spiritual Formation Pastor
"I'm by far the coolest & nicest pastor on staff. I love sports. Outside of that, I'm pretty boring!"

Pastor Joshua Brown
Student Ministries Pastor
"Autism Dad!
Lover of the Garden!
I love to read dead theologians!"

Larenda Billups
Generations Assistant

Robby Hatmaker
678 Director
"Sundays are always a happy day, but the day before is a sadder day. Get it? Include the "get it" that's important."

Angie Olsen
Executive Administrator |
Personal Assistant to Pastor Jeremy |
Marriage Ministry Director
"I love to clean and organize anything! I also have a passion for marriages."

Meredith Keith
Event Coordinator |
Clean Team Director
"I am a photographer, a Firefighter's wife, and mom to three girls!"

Tori Garza
City Kids Director
"I enjoy archery with my husband. I love to sing and dance in the kitchen with my kids. I am a registered nurse!"

Becky Garcia
City Kids Assistant Director
"I love to travel. I am a certified scuba diver. I am a great listener & care about others feelings. I make great blankets."

James Fox
Production and Technology Director
"Give me time and I can fix just about anything..."

Caleb Belcher
Lighting Director
"I am fun, helpful and can play trumpet & piano."

Shawn Card
Baxter's Cafe Ministry Director
"I love to prepare, share, and eat food! And I would much rather ride a Segway Mini than walk or run..."

Angela Griggs
Guest Services Director
"Something funny...I love nuts! Peanuts, walnuts, pecans...I love playing card games...any games really!"

Ron Olsen
Finance Director
"I enjoy working in our yard and I also feed the stray cats in our neighborhood."