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We dream of creating environments where people from every walk of life can

connect deeply with God and with others who are heading in the same direction.

Ever felt alone in a crowd? We have. 

That happens at church. Tons of people everywhere but you’re still alone.


That shouldn’t happen. Here at Metro we have thousands of people that come through our doors each week...many of whom are experiencing church, or at least our church, for the very first time. They enjoy the experience, but something is still missing. Just like you, they want something deeper...something more personal and real.

This is where LIFE GROUPS come in!

Life Groups are smaller gatherings where people from every walk of life can connect deeply with God and with others who are heading in the same direction


We have groups that target a huge variety of life stages. Some groups are for married folks, others are for singles. Some are for any and all. Some groups love to have kids around and others don’t have kids at all. Some groups are for those a little older and some are for those a little younger.



Life Groups are gatherings of 6-14 adults that meet together to grow their friendship and encourage each other in their faith journey.  


Most groups meet twice a month (ex. first and third Fridays or second and fourth Saturdays). 


Nearly all our Life Groups meet in people’s homes, after all, that’s what friends do.  And of course, friends eat together so many of our groups share a meal or at least dessert and coffee.


We encourage all of our groups to have some sort of purposeful Christ centered discussion. Most of our groups do a weekend message follow up study. This may sound scary but it’s not. Most folks in our Life Group attend the Weekend Experience at Metro and so it’s very natural to engage in a follow up discussion about what you experienced during the Weekend Message.

Most of our groups are demographic or stage of life driven. You know, 20 something singles or 30-40 married with kids or 50’s and empty nesters.  


We think you’ll eventually find a great group. And yes, we know some people are just weird, but if you try a group and it doesn't feel right to you, no biggie, try another group.  And if that one doesn’t work, try another.  And if that still doesn’t work then try another still.  After that, it’s probably you who’s the problem. You’re the one who’s weird!  Ha…just kidding.  But you get the idea. If you try, you’ll find a group.

If you have any questions in regards to finding a life group, please email:


Everything rises and falls on leadership. This is no less true in our Life Group culture.  We rely on great leaders to pour their lives into the lives of others.  Our Life Group Leaders are really the ‘shepherds’ of our church. Life Groups are the first line of community care in our church. This is a huge responsibility and honor. If you feel that maybe God is calling you to this level of leadership please email our Life Group Director at


Check out our current Life Groups by pressing the button below and contacting the group leader whose group seems like a good fit for you!

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