About Us

Men… the battle is real.
There is little in this world that encourages you to be pure, noble and faithful sexually. Nearly everything says to live for the desire right in front of you.
This is why we are holding a Conquers Series Introductory Group for Men, 18 and up, seeking Purity and Sexual integrity, and how to stop the Addiction to Pornography.
It’s time for a little honesty. If you have problems with Intense Sexual thoughts, Adulterous behavior, Pornography, any Unwanted Sexual Behaviors, or you want to help somebody you know. This group is for you.
We will meet in a safe environment with other Men to learn about this struggle and find a way to freedom.
This is a 5 week Introductory course on Monday nights, 7-9pm at Riverview Metro Campus starting February 6 at the Riverview Campus. Park in the front of the building and enter through the front doors.
Cost will be $25 to cover the cost of materials.
Contact Dave Zajac 313-717-5354 daviddzajac@gmail.com
for any questions.